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Who I Am and What I Do

Welcome to my life! My name is Blair Allen, I'm a mother of 3 beautiful young men, entrepreneur and artist. 

I fell in love with Vital Development in 2013, when this work found me. I did not know it, but at the time

I was suffering from depression and Vital development gave me back my life. I gained confidence, self expression

and regained my hope in tomorrow. I learned to live for today and not postpone my life to another time. Bringing actions to my intentions, thought and prayers  I was able to expand my capacity for others and reach a higher potential in all areas of my life. The continuation of this work is a tribute to my late teacher Jaquelin Levin Zabare who was someone monumental in my healing process. Vital development is more than a workshop, it is a tool for life that supports the human being's maturity and personal development. My vision is to inspire people of all backgrounds to live vulnerable and inspired lives through the practice of vital development.

My Mission

All People Deserve To be Seen

I believe in the human being's ability to transform trauma. 


My Work

My Professional Development

Yoga Noho
North Hollywood, CA

August 2013 - June 2017

Practiced, attended training under direct guidance of Jaquelin Levin Zabare. Facilitated weekly groups until change in ownership.

Encino, CA

Sept. 2018-March 2020

Held weekly groups at studio. Made videos and gave free workshops to promote studio.

Overland IOP
Culver City, CA

Sept. 2021- Sept. 2023

Worked with mental health patients enrolled in the outpatient program in order to help inspire participants to live fully and without regrets.

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