My vision for the world is to empower people of all backgrounds to live vulnerable, connected lives through the practice of Vital development.
Connect with yourself, with the group and with all of life.
Create Community
Love is Always the Answer
Our Services
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150 US dollarsLoading days...
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50 US dollars
The ancient sages described the most effortless way to bond with the universe and fulfill our desires.
Their guiding motto turns out to be exquisitely simple:
Act in accord with the laws of nature.
-Deepak Chopra
Vital development is a life affirming movement technique. Developed in the 1960s, this movement technique is expressive, uplifting and life giving. Each group consists of individual, paired and group exercises. The exercises are meant to challenge and stretch the human capacity. Each experience is different but follows a structure. The workshops are themed and the senses are awakened with music, freedom of movement, voice exercises, touch and sometimes even taste! A unique and inspiring experience guaranteed to open your mind, body and heart.